Thursday, May 28, 2015

There's a lot of misinformation in this article so I don't know where to begin. But I will say that this quote has been used incorrectly and he has himself explained it clearly. What the implication is with the statement is not that the law does not apply to Muslims. What is explained with his statement is that Islam holds people to a higher standard than the law. So by observing Islam properly, we are in fact going to a higher standard of what is required by the laws and norms of society. I think shariah law has to be one of the topics most misunderstood regarding Islam these days, mainly because people have no idea what it is and what it's implications are outside of what they learn from the media. 
Here's an example, in America we have the right to remain silent if we commit a crime. In Islam we are obligated to speak truth and against injustice even if it's against ourselves. In America we don't have an "obligation" to the poor. In Islam, there is a portion of a individuals wealth that is considered the right of the poor in their community. This could be a long list of examples, but I hope you get the point. It's easy to misquote someone when you take a single line from an entire discussion. That said, it would benefit us all to learn what shariah is and what it isn't. If you have questions, its ok to ask. It's important also to distinguish between the culture of people and what Islam actually is. It's also important to be able to separate the actions of individuals from the principles of Islam, because not everyone who claims to be Muslim, acts in a way that is supported within Islam. So as was previously mentioned, Muslims are obligated to the laws of the land they in. The bottom line of this man's statement is that the law of the land is the minimum requirement but the standards of Islam are higher.

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