Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I have met a very good muslim for marriage, alhamdullah. He is everything I have been looking for in a husband, and even more. But my father won't allow me to marry him only because he isn't from the same country. He is religious and stable, alhamdullah. He has tried many times to meet with my dad but my dad keeps refusing. I don't know what to do at this point, I have tried many times to convince my dad but he is being very stubborn. Any advice? And please don't say what your doing is haram, because he is very religious and I'm religious alhamdullah, and we have done nothing outside of getting to know each other for the purpose of marriage. ‪#‎HODDiscussion‬

' Parents should come first, however we must always do as what ALLAH سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى says over what our parents say if it is wrong islamically, for eg our religion tells us to observe hijab but if our parents tell us not too due to cultural reasons then we must obey ALLAH سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى first over our parents. 
I'm a mum, and if my daughter corrects me islamically then Subḥana’llāh سبحان الله I will be the happiest mother ever, this sister is doing nothing against her parents, and she is not in the wrong for wanting to advise and talk to her parents to accept the proposal as its a man of deen'

' You can approach a judicial council, who will make the nikkah legal for you, without the consent of your parents. This is allowed and unanimously agreed upon by the four madhaabs as do able. 

Just know that your parents would clearly not approve immediately but with dua, sabr and understanding they will come around. Thumma Ameen, all the best dear uhkti.'

this bida is ruining our lives, Khadija r.a.was not from same tribe as Nabi s.A.w.s. so its allowed, Zayd ibn Harithah r.a. was from Abyssinian and he was allowed to marry Qurashi cousin so different countries and colors are aloud...there is Islam and there is culture, chose wisely'

'You can approach a judicial council, who will make the nikkah legal for you, without the consent of your parents. This is allowed and unanimously agreed upon by the four madhaabs as do able. 

Just know that your parents would clearly not approve immediately but with dua, sabr and understanding they will come around. Thumma Ameen, all the best dear uhkti.'

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