Sunday, May 17, 2015

KL Trip Day 2 (Saturday, 2nd May 2015)

Kompleks Taman Seni Islam Selangor, Malaysia

A long bench
And beautiful Arabic writings are carved on the light green vase on the right (didnt manage to capture the writings as we have to stick to the group and soon, we had to move)

Arabic writings on a big drum

The  roof is so green, that the inside looks green.

Unfortunately, no photography is allowed, thus there will not be a lot of photos taken from this place.

Inside one exihibition (when we learn how the Quran is made)

The exhibition starts with a very creepy, disturbing voice. The voice is supposedly the voice of Angel Jibril / Gabriel when Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was in Gua Hira, when he ﷺ received the first revelation. The start of exhibition was to make us feel how Prophet Muhammad ﷺ felt when that incident happened, inside the cave.

However, as we walked through the exhibition, with a guide explaining to us, we learnt how the Quran was made.

Never seen trees that are this dried before

 There is a lot of sand there. Another construction maybe?

Electronic signboard on top of a tall building - never seen that in Singapore


Masjid Putra at Putrajaya

There are fountains here.

Masjid Putra di Putrajaya, Malaysia



IOI City Mall


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