Wednesday, February 11, 2015

On 10 February, exactly 757 years ago, in 1258 CE, the Mongol army, under the leadership of Hulegu Khan grandson of Ghengis Khan, entered the capital of the Muslim world, the seat of the Abbasid Caliphate, and the most glorious city of the time: Baghdad. 

They then proceeded to commit one of the greatest atrocities of medieval times, murdering perhaps up to a million people. At a time when there were no weapons of mass destruction, they quite literally slaughtered men, women and children by the sword. They destroyed mosques, ransacked houses, demolished buildings, and burned books. The greatest library of the medieval world, with countless manuscripts and unimaginable literary treasures, was completely razed to the ground, and all of its million-plus books destroyed. (The Mongols were superstitious people and thought that books were a type of magic, since they were illiterate). The last caliph was forced to watch all of this, and then killed, along with his family, thus in essence bringing the Abbasid Caliphate to an end.  

In terms of political devastation, it is claimed (and there is much truth to this) that this one event forever changed the dynamics of the Muslim world. It is as if Islamic civilization never fully recovered from the blow inflicted on it from the Mongols, and eventually Europe began to rise to power, officially superseding Islamic lands post- WW1, with the Treaty of Versaille and the Sykes-Picot Agreement. 

It is essential for Muslims to learn their own history. Share this with others so that we can all benefit.

Comments in response to this post
'That particular time

Whereby all the Muslims becomes rich and complacent. Area of focus on technology medical science and literature (not wrong) but leaving the work of daawah, giving reminders of greatness of Allah and from time to time the younger generation has been spoiled. Mongols traders mostly girls been bullied and raped. Allah swt send Mongols as punishment to Baghdad people as forgotten the real essential of Iman and amal. And later the generation of Ghenghiz kan accepted Islam.

Today as our lesson learned. To follow the footstep of sahabah.. the real success hereafter. Insyallah'

'Umar r swore to kill our Holy Prophet saw but later he became muslim and brought proud to Islam.

Khalid bin walid was the direct enemy of Umar bin Khattab but later he is same man who make Islam proud

Mongol destroyed Islamic empire, but later the same mongol brought proud for Islam..

The muslim should know this as well'

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