Friday, February 13, 2015

Abu Hayyan At-Tawhidi reported: A man among the Khawarij came to Hasan Al-Basri and he said, “What do you say about the rebels?” Hasan said, “They are seekers of the world.” He said, “Why do you say that when one of them goes out with his spear until it breaks and he leaves his family and children?” Hasan said, “Tell me about the ruler. Does he prevent you from establishing prayer, giving charity, and performing the pilgrimage?” He said no. Hasan said, “As I see it, he has only prevented you from seeking the world and you have fought him for it.”

Source: Al-Basa’ir wal Dhakha’ir 1/34

عن أبي حيان التوحيدي أتى رجل من الخوارج الحسن البصري فقال له ما تقول في الخوارج قال هم أصحاب دنيا قال ومن أين قلت وأحدهم يمشي في الرمح حتى ينكسر فيه ويخرج من أهله وولده قال الحسن حدثني عن السلطان أيمنعك من إقامة الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة والحج والعمرة قال لا قال فأراه إنما منعك الدنيا فقاتلته عليها

1/34 البصائر والذخائر

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