Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What is the purpose of life? - The reason for your existence?

What are you doing here?

Who created you? WHY?

What is going to happen after you DIE in 50,60,70 or 80 years time?

You will die! and that's a fact!

You've now got the chance to repent and return to your lord - Allaah s.w.t.

The ONLY one true god who has created you and blessed you with countless blessings!

Repent before it is too late and ask your lord for forgiveness for he loves to forgive!

"Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam" - Surah Imran, verse 19

Turn back to your lord (Allaah s.w.t) before it's too late!

May Alaah s.w.t guide us to the straight path, keep us steadfast, forgive our sins and grant us all Janatul Firdowse. Aaameen

“For those of you who ask for signs, have we not shown you enough already, look around you, look at the stars, look at the sun, look at water, these are the signs for people of knowledge.”

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