Thursday, February 5, 2015!/808489535891003/photos/pb.808489535891003.-2207520000.1423114732./811063395633617/?type=3&theater

Many of the accounts in the Quran about Christians and Jews or other beliefs are very similar to what the Bible says. Just as the New Testament and the Torah take issues with various communities, both believers and unbelievers and takes them to task on what it deems wrong, or praises them on what is good, so does the Quran. When we read the scriptures, it is very important to read it in its context. That is to say:

1 what is the specific event in time and location it's speaking about?
2 Who was involved and what happened?
3 How does it apply to us or our time_ if at all.

We can't just take any old verse or half of verse of the scriptures and apply it randomly to support our own wishes or use it to attack the said scriptures or faith. That would only reflect on our lack of education and shortage of common sense!

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