Tuesday, February 10, 2015

From a comment on Facebook

Oh one more thing: very oddly Moustapha Akkad a famous muslim director who directed the amazing "The Message", and "Halloween" series, was also due to making a movie about the Crusades and Saladin's actual portrayal as known from scholarly study. He was mysteriously killed right before this movie could come to fruition with his daughter in a bomb to his hotel. Could it be that someone didn't want the truth of how a muslim military leader like Saladin actually conducted himself? http://suspiciousdeaths.blogspot.com/2011/03/moustapha-akkad.html

excerpts from this article: Akkad had a studio at Twickenham in Great Britain and he tried to buy famed Pinewood Studios from the Rank Organisation. In 2001, he began preparations for his third epic entitled "Saladin", a high-budget Hollywood production with Sean Connery cast in the role of the Muslim sultan. Akkad lacked the funding for the project, so he toured the Arab world from 2003 to 2005 seeking support for his Saladin project. The film, which was to cost $80 million and to be filmed in Jordan, was described by Akkad shortly before his death: "Saladin exactly portrays Islam. Right now, Islam is portrayed as a terrorist religion. Because of a few terrorists are Muslims, the whole religion has that image. If there ever was a religious war full of terror, it was the Crusades. But you can’t blame Christianity because of a few adventurers did this. That’s my message."

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