Tuesday, February 3, 2015

By: ehssan Alfaqeeh احسان الفقيه
Read this all you media slaves, so that my people know that, I will not be a part of this negligence game even if death itself encircles me:
1. The Muslims did not incriminate Christianity and did not describe Christians as terrorists, despite the wars sparked by the West which have never been seen before in the whole ofhistory.In World War I, the death toll was over seven million people dead and 21 million wounded.
2. The Muslims did not incriminate Christianity for World War II, where the death toll was over 50 million dead and 90 million wounded. While the expenditure of the war amounted to over £37 trillion pounds at the exorbitant cost ofabout £1 million per hour.
3. Christianity has not been blamed despite the barbarism and brutality of the West, when the snake’s head America used the most formidable weapon in history, the nuclear bomb against Japan, where 500 thousand peoplewere killed instantly in a matter of seconds.
4. We did not incriminate Christianity and did not describe Christians as terrorists, despite the fact that, the impact of theplague due to the atomic bomb sequences, affected people who were 100 miles away. In addition, the signs of infection reached even thosewho were thousands of miles away.
5. A Few years later, America“The Messenger of Peace”, which is leading the western civilization, proved its thrust to more death, torture and lethality through the creationof a superior bombwhich is a million times deadlier than the nuclear weapon. It’s the hydrogen bomb, which was tested in the Pacific Ocean in March 1954.
6. We did not incriminate Christianity and did not describe Christians as terrorists, although “The Messenger of Peace” and “the leader of freedom”, the USA, killed 3.4 million Vietnamese in order to inauguratea pro president in the 1960s. This figure is recognized by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.
7. We did not incriminate, either Christianity or Judaism, and did not describe them as terrorists; despite the fact that Western colonialism displaced seven million Palestinians from their own lands and endowed it to the Jews. Just to achieve their Biblical and Talmudic dream, the miserable dream of Armageddon.
8. We did not incriminate Christianity and did not describe Christians as terrorists, when the malevolent American troops obligated the Muslims of the Indonesian islands of Samar to be Christians with fire and iron, Then they called it (the Philippines), named after King Philip II of Spain.
9. We did not incriminate Christianity and did not describe Christians as terrorists, when we heard the American journalist (who was sent withthat bloody campaign of Samar Islands) report which said:
The American soldiers who killed every single man, woman, child, prisoner and prisoner of every suspect starting from the age of ten, and that theybelieved that “a Philippine is not better than his dog”.The orders given to them by their commander, General Franklin were:
“I do not want prisoners; I don’t wanna see any written records”.
All the soldiers were Christians. However, we did not blame Christianity and did not throw them unlawfully as what they are doing these days.
10. We did not incriminate Christianity and did not describe Christians as terrorists, when Crusaders killed 80 thousand Muslims, men and women in the island of Madagascar in one day. It was a brutality which has not been seen in human history, not even in the literatures of war.

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