Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What They Say

They say: "You're too young to succeed. You don't have enough experience and character to make it in this industry. You might as well just give it up!"

They say: "This divorce is going to ruin your entire life. You'll never bounce back again. Especially at your age."

They say: "I'm glad you turned that offer down, you never seemed like the perfect fit for that post anyway. You've got years of catching up to do before you'll ever be anywhere as good as the rest."
They say: "You'll never overcome that addiction. You think going to religious classes will ever help? It's already synonymous to you. Everyone knows about your past. They will always remember it!"

They say: "Nothing you've ever done in life has ever amounted to much. You think NOW will be any different? Stop dreaming!"

They say: "You've decided to repent? How old do you think you are? 70?! Get real! This is absurd. Moreover, after all that you've done? I'm pretty sure God never wants to even look at your face ever again."

They say: "There's absolutely nothing special about you. I'm not surprised no one seems to like you."


Allah says:

"So let not their speech grieve you. Indeed, We know what they conceal and what they declare."

Allah says:

"So be patient over what they say, and exalt [ Allah ] with praise of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting."

Friends, if you're hurting by what others are saying about you, turn your life over to Allah and find healing in His words of truth. What they say, should be removed, deleted, and ripped off from your heart. What Allah says, should remain, be magnified, and held dearly to your soul. Be strong. Your value in the eyes of people, is nothing compared to how God sees you. Keep going. Keep fighting. You're worth it.

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