Monday, June 20, 2016

My wife convinced me that I needed to share this. Most of you know that I work for Siemens as a Service Engineer in the Middle East. I am currently on a project in Egypt. It is a German project and I believe I am the only American here (definitely the only Texan).
Over the last two days I have had over 20 people (Egyptians) many I don't even know personally come and ask if my family and friends were okay. They understand the magnitude of the Orlando shootings and they simply wanted to let me know they cared.
This morning I went out to site with a smile and a "sabah-al-kheir" (Good Morning) and the supervisor shook my hand then apologized to me for what happened in Orlando. As we talked, even more foreman and laborers began gathering around me shaking my hand. They wanted to let me know that this act is not acceptable to them as Muslims and they were "anah-aswah"...I'm sorry.
Those who couldn't speak english asked the supervisor to translate
who in broken english let me know that they all wanted to let me know that this upset them and they hoped I would not hold all Muslims responsible. They hoped America would not blame Islam.
This was impressive enough, but when I went to another area well away from where I was before, the same thing happened. Shaking hands, apologies, and condemnation to the shooter and the shame he has brought upon their religion. From Engineers to the young man who makes us coffee, even the guy who cleans my room; they all wanted to let me know they are angry too.
I know that after the shootings the news and radio are probably all over this spreading fear and anger, because that is what sells. I want you to know, I spend months at a time living here and in other Muslim countries to include Saudi Arabia and it is the same everywhere. The Muslim people I meet are honest, friendly, caring, and consider you a close part of their lives with a simple shake of the hand.
So take it from someone who practically lives here; don't let the media or politicians sway you with their spin to win ratings and votes. True Islam does not accept these actions, it condemns them. Don't hold the majority responsible for the actions of the very, very few."

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