Tuesday, March 15, 2016

lbn Nuaim reported: Sufyan Ath Thawri, may Allah have mercy on hIm, would say, ”If a man intended to write the hadith. he would study good manners and worship for twenty years before doing so."

Source: Hilyat al Awliya 361

lbn Al—Mubarak, may Allah have mercy on him, sand, "I sought manners for thirty years and I sought knowledge for twenty years. The righteous predecessors would seek manners and then seek knowledge.”

Source: Ghayat al Nihayah 1/446

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Give each other gifts and you will love each other."

Source: al-Adab al-Mufrad 594

Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Ibn Hajar

Abu Mas'ud Uqbah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Verily, among the words people obtained from the prophets are this:
If you feel no shame, then do as you wish."

Source: Sahih Bukhari 3296, Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Bukhari

lbn Rajab said, “The scholars interpret this saying in two ways. First, that it is a command of caution and warning, meaning if there is no shame then do as you wish, for Allah will repay you accordingly. Second, that it is a command of description, meaning that whoever does not have shame will do as he wishes, for it is shame that prevents evil deeds.”

Source: Jami' al-Ulfim wal-Hikam 20

Musollah at Big Box Jurong East

Rights and wrongs in solat

Ibn Nuaim reported: Sufyan Ath-Thawri, may Allah have mercy on hIm. would say, "If a man intended to write the hathh, he would study good manners and worship for twenty years before doing so."

Source: HIIyat aI Awliya 361

Ibn Al Mubarak, may Allah have mercy on him, said, "I sought manners for thirty years and I sought knowledge for twenty years. The righteous predecessors would seek manners and then seek knowledge."

Source: Ghayat al Nihayah 1/446

Monday, March 14, 2016

lmran ibn Muslim reported: Umar ibn Al-Khattab. may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Acquire knowledge and teach people. Learn along With it dignity and tranquility and humility for those who teach you and humility for those whom you teach. Do not be tyrannical scholars and thus base your knowledge  upon your ignorance.”

Source: Shu’b al—lman 1650

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Bayhaqi

عبر عهوالأ قن ء ٠ لهعنمله الي عزقو لم المظاب قضى ا ليلة غقة فا« ءك . ثقةإ
الهلفآأألفوة الناس وثق ئخلهمإلة العثمان« . لشكيظئ قثةاطبرلهمح ينف . لهلظثم
يعلق الهلع فنيثفاطخا لقد ثقلفوة الهلع ولا تنقلوا هتايوة القلقاء للا
يزيمعلظكمد يهغلئق

كنه » هعب الإيمان للييهقي الثامن عشر من هعب الايمان وهو باي

يتإ »لإق المحدث السقي خلاصة حكم المحدث هذا هو الصحيح عن
عهد في المدخل ار السنن الكبرى

The island where Dajjal lives


The most virtuous jihad is...

At-Tariq ibn Shihab reported: A man asked the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, as he put his foot in the stirrup, “What is the most virtuous struggle (jihad)?” The Prophet said, “A word of truth in front of a tyrannical ruler.”

Source: Musnad Ahmad 18449

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to An-Nawawi

Find places where you can pray


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Prayer facility available at Jurong Waterway Point


The greatjurist Ibn Mufllh wrote a book about ethics entitled al Adab al Shar'l‘yah, the manners of the Sharla. In the beginning of this work, he writes:

لقيإا بمقان ينقيل غلى هغلك تنننيذآ مل الاذاب القومية والقمع
الققزعيية قخقناع إل قهمل٠نه اق قوله هيب ملة كه غالو اق غابي مكه

"This is a book containing a great amount of the manners of the Sharia and precious benefits. the knowledge of which. or much knowledge from it, is needed by every scholar or worshiper and every Muslim.” [al Adab al Shar’Tyah 1/11]

In other words, the moral values and pnncrples of the Sharia are not merely recommended or simple niceties. Rather, they are required for every practicing Muslim and more so for anyone seeking deep knowledge of Islam and its law.

May Allah guide us to the best character and behavior.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Abu Amina Elias (Justin Parrot) wrote on his Facebook page

"I had an insight today while I was researching. The most Important dlSClpllne In Islam is ethics (akhlaq), not law. Ethics precedes law and gives it meaning and purpose. A pure heart and a refined character Will be gwded to a sound understanding of the law, but a diseased heart and an immature character Will never understand the law or its purpose. What is creed other than to have good character With your Lord? And what is law other than to have good character With your seeiety?

We need to study good character as its own science, the first science in Islam. just as the Salaf studied good character for twenty years before they began to narrate Hadith. It Is as if today I had read the saying of the Prophet % for the first time, "I was sent to perfect good character." Now I can prove it and | Will do it in Writing, if Allah Wills."

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Just because it‘s common, doesn't mean it's normal. Divorce is common. Men With wandering eyes is common. Married couples wrth separate bank accounts is common. Disrespectful wives are common. Disobedient children are common. Loveless marriages are common. But they are NOT normal.

A normal marriage is Vibrant, committed, and loyal. A normal marriage protects itself from anything that might attack It. A normal marriage is two people who work everyday at becoming one. A normal marriage understands that marriage is less about being happy, and more about relInqunshIng our selfishness, our desrres, and our individuaIIsm to another.

There's nothing mathematical about marriage. it Will never add up. The very pomt of it is to lose oneself in another. #EveryPostALesson #DaleyWisdom

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Reference guide for musollah places in Singapore


Tempat-tempat solat di hospital

REPOSTED WITH ADDITIONAL INFO (2/12/15) Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, (Peace and mercy and blessmgs of Allah be upon YOU) 

Musholla Locations @ Most Hospitals Around Singapore. 

Alhamdulillah' Admin managed to list musholla locations at 16 hospitals around Singapore. Some have more than 1 Site available. 

Included in this post are nearest mosque locations from the hospitals. 

For complete details, including fotos and guide maps. please VISIt this link: 


 *1. Alexandra Hospital Musholla* 

Nearest musholla IS at Queensway Shopping Centre, Spore 149053. 

It is at 2nd floor behind unit #02 33, near the toilet. Access through the EXIt door. There are taps inside for ablution. Small prayer area. 

Ask security or any Muslim shop for guide. 

Bus: 14, 33, 51, 61, 93, 100, 120, 195, 197 

MRT: Queenstown 

Nearest Mosque:  Masjid Hang Jebat 

100, Jalan Hang Jebat Singapore 139533. 

Tel: 6471 0728 Fax: 6471 1912 


Location 1 

New musholla Site checked and submitted by Admin on 3/7/2015 

Guide to the location please please refer attached fotos 1 5. 

From Reception Desk at hospital entrance Level 1, walk straight till you see ”LlFT LOBBY A" Sign (1). Near the escalator. 

After passmg the lifts (2) and Signs (3) you stop at end of the wall (4). 

The musholla is on the left (5). 0n the door there is a Sign "STAIRCASE 5” 

On the door on the right there is a Sign ”ELECTRICAL RISER". 

Only 1 sejadah & telekong available. No slippers or other amenities. 

Qiblat Sign is indicated on the floor beSIde the door. Ablution at the nearest tOiIet. 

Bus: Free shuttle from Simei MRT, 4N, 5, 9. 9A MRT: Simei 

Nearest Mosque: 

MaSJld Al Taqua. 

11A Jalan Bilal Singapore 468862 (Off Bedok Road) Tel: 6442 7704 Fax: 6445 4732 


Location 2

It is near to the Cafe "MR BEAN" & opposite

The site is under the staircase behind the TV
screen situated at left of "MR BEAN".
Telekung, sejadah and 2 chairs provided.
Use own compass for qiblat.

Ask Muslim staff for direction.

Nearest Mosque:

Masjid Al-Taqua.
11A Jalan Bilal Singapore 468862 (Off Bedok Road)
Tel: 6442 7704 Fax: 6445 4732

2 other locations of musollah at this hospital is closed, as feedback given from readers

3. * Gleneagles Hospital Musholla *

6A Napier Road (S) 258500.

Location: Level 1. Go through the main entrance
and turn RIGHT along the corridor.

Before the toilets there is a staircase. Go up and
you will see the musalla.

Details: The musholla is divided into muslimin and muslimah.

The environment is condusive and clean. It is only for the staff and registered visitors.

Ablution : Can be taken at nearby toilet. All
amenities Items available.

Bus: 7, 75, 77, 105, 106, 123, 174, 174E and NR8
MRT: Orchard

Nearest Mosque:
Masjid Al-Falah Orchard Road.

Bideford Rd #01-01, Cairnhill Place, Spore 229650
Tel: 6235 3172 Fax: 6735 5580


4.* Institute of Mental Health (IMH) Musholla * 

10 Buangkok View. Formerly Woodbridge Hospital. Location: Roof access from the staircase near the waiting area for shuttle serVice IMH Hougang MRT. BeSIde Beijing Tong Ren Tang Soience Arts Medical Clinic. 

Take staircase to roof access after level 2. Details: No amenities available 

Ablution to be done at the nearby t0ilet at Level 2 be5ide Nursmg Administration Office. 

Bus: 43 Free shuttle serVIce from Hougang MRT. MRT: Buangkok. 

Nearest Mosque: 

MaSJld En Naeem 

120, Tampines Road Singapore 535136 

Tel: 6287 9225 Fax 6382 5852 

5.* Khoo Teck Puat Hospital Musholla * 

Located at Tower B level 5 to 10. 

When eXlt the lift turn left near the vending machine. Qiblat direction pasted on the ceiling board. For wudhu there are t0ilets nearby. 

Please note that it is not an offICIal prayer room. It is Just a place that can be used to perform your prayers according to the staff that put up the qiblat Sign. 

Its just a waiting area for patients families. Need to bring your own seiadah and praying gears for women‘ Just look up to the ceiling and you can find the qiblat Sign. 

Bus: 812, 853, 858 

MRT: Yishun 

Nearest Mosque: 

MaSJld Darul Makmur. 

950 Yishun Ave 2, 769099 

Other musollas in other hospitals: 

Bagaimana Solat Gerhana

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

100 instructions from Quran

1. Do not be rude in speech (3:159)

2. Restrain Anger (3:134)

3. Be good to others (4:36)

4. Do not be arrogant (7:13)

5. Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199)

6. Speak to people mildly (20:44)

7. Lower your voice (31 :19)

8. Do not ridicule others (49:11)

9. Be dutiful to parents(17:23)

10. Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (17:23)

11. Do not enter parents’ private room without asking permission (24:58)

12. Write down the debt (2:282)

13. Do not follow anyone blindly (2:170)

14. Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard
time (2:280)

15. Don't consume interest (2:275)

16. Do not engage in bribery (2:188)

17. Do not break the promise (2:177)

18. Keep the trust (2:283)

19. Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42)

20. Judge with justice between people (4:58)

21. Stand out firmly for justice (4:135)

22. Wealth of the dead should be distributed among his family members (4:7)

23. Women also have the right for inheritance (4:7)

24. Do not devour the property of orphans (4:10)
25. Protect orphans (2:220)

26. Do not consume one another's wealth unjustly (4:29)
27. Try for settlement between people (49:9)
28. Avoid suspicion (49:12)
29. Do not spy and backbite (2:283)
30. Do not spy or backbite (49:12)
31. Spend wealth in charity (57:7)
32. Encourage feeding poor (107:3)
33. Help those in need by finding them (2:273)
34. Do not spend money extravagantly (17:29)
35. Do not invalidate charity with reminders (2:264)
36. Honor guests (51:26)
37. Order righteousness to people only after practicing
it yourself(2:44)
38. Do not commit abuse on the earth (2:60)
39. Do not prevent people from mosques (2:114)
40. Fight only with those who fight you (2:190)
41. Keep the etiquettes of war (2:191)
42. Do not turn back in battle (8:15)
43. No compulsion in religion (2:256)
44. Believe in all prophets (2:285)
45. Do not have sexual intercourse during menstrual period (2:222)

46. Breast feed your children for two complete years (2:233)

47. Do not even approach unlawful sexual intercourse (17:32)

48. Choose rulers by their merit (2:247)

49. Do not burden a person beyond his scope (2:286)
50. Do not become divided (3:103)

51. Think deeply about the wonders and creation of
this universe (3:191)

52. Men and Women have equal rewards for their
deeds (3:195)

53. Do not marry those in your blood relation (4:23)
54. Family should be led by men (4:34)

55. Do not be miserly (4:37)

56.Do not keep envy (4:54)

57. Do not kill each other (4:92)

58. Do not be an advocate for deceit (4:105)

59. Do not cooperate in sin and aggression (5:2)

60. Cooperate in righteousness (5:2)

61. ’Having majority' is not a criterion of truth (6:116)
62. Be just (5:8)

63. Punish for crimes in an exemplary way (5:38)
64. Strive against sinful and unlawful acts (5:63)

65. Dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine are
prohibited (5:3)

66. Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90)

67. Do not gamble (5:90)

68. Do not insult others' deities (6:108)

69. Don’t reduce weight or measure to cheat people

70. Eat and Drink, But Be Not Excessive (7:31)

71. Wear good cloths during prayertimes (7:31)

72. protect and help those who seek protection (9:6)

73. Keep Purity (9:108)

74. Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (12:87)

75. Allah will forgive those who have done wrong out
of ignorance (16:119)

76. Invitation to God should be with wisdom and good
instruction (16:125)

77. No one will bear others' sins (17:15)

78. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31)
79. Do not pursue that of which you have no
knowledge (17:36)

80. Keep aloof from what is vain (23:3)

81. Do not enter others' houses without seeking
permission (24:27)

82. Allah will provide security for those who believe
only in Allah (24:55)

83. Walk on earth in humility (25:63)

84. Do not neglect your portion of this world (28:77)
85. Invoke not any other god along with Allah (28:88)
86. Do not engage in homosexuality (29:29)

87. Enjoin right, forbid wrong (31 :17)

88. Do not walk in insolence through the earth (31:18)
89. Women should not display their finery (33:33)

90. Allah forgives all sins (39:53)

91. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah (39:53)

92. Repel evil by good (41 :34)

93. Decide on affairs by consultation (42:38)

94. Most noble of you is the most righteous (49:13)
95. No Monasticism in religion (57:27)

96. Those who have knowledge will be given a higher
degree by Allah (58:11)

97. Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair manner (60:8)
98. Save yourself from covetousness (64:16)

99. Seek forgiveness of Allah. He is Forgiving and
Merciful (73:20)

100. Do not repel the petitioner/beggar (93:10)

Things a mum should teach her boys

Don't say you don't have time

Monday, March 7, 2016

McDonald's adalah haram? Ia adalah fitnah


Nasyid Ya Imamar Rusli

Noted Islamic scholar buried in Virginia

Taha Jabir Alawani published more than 30 books during his lifetime, on a range of Islamic topics

WASHINGTON – Taha Jabir Alawani, an internationally recognized Muslim scholar, was buried Sunday in northern Virginia.

Born in Iraq in 1935, Alawani went on to graduate from Egypt’s al-Azhar University, and taught Islamic jurisprudence for a decade in Saudi Arabia before settling in the United States in 1983.

He published more than 30 books during his lifetime, on a range of Islamic topics, and went on to found the Fiqh Council of North America. He also regularly contributed to the American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences.

Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, hailed Alawani as a “major scholar, Islamic thinker, and reformer.”

“We all benefited from him, from his knowledge, from the wealth and the contribution of his literature and books,” he said. “He will be missed.”

At the time of his death, Alawani was president of Cordoba University, which is located in Ashburn, Virginia.

He leaves behind three children. He was 81.

Yasir Qadhi wrote on his Facebook page

Within the span of twenty four hours, the Muslim Ummah lost two great thinkers and scholars of Islam, both of whom wrote numerous articles and books, and tirelessly attempted to bring benefit to the Ummah.

These two individuals are Dr. Taha Jabir al Alwani. and Dr. Hassan al-Turabi. May Allah have mercy on their souls, exalt their ranks, and forgive their sins!

I say this, while knowing full well that many of you who are aware of their writings might be skeptical of such a post. To be clear, I did not see eye to eye with many of their views. Yet, I cannot deny their dedication and commitment to the religion, and I assume the best regarding their sincerity.

They were both Islamic activists at times when it was politically incorrect, and even dangerous, to be involved with Islamic work. They both helped many intellectuals who would othermse have had nothing to do with Islam to actually become observant Muslims and eventually involved with Islamic reform. At times, they were imprisoned or exiled for their activism.

True, their stances on some classical Issues, and their views on the preservation and authenticny of hadith, are clearly not the Views that I am sympathetic With. (Additionally Turabi was also a political figure who held office. and there are many criticisms of some of his political policies).

But we need to learn to disagree in a cordial manner, and especially to look at the good rather than potential mistakes. And especially at the time of death, let us all recall the beautiful prophetic advice, "Do not curse [or say ill] of the dead. for they have now arrived at whatever they had sent forward" [Bukhari]. meaning that their deeds Will speak for them in front of Allah, and we gain nothing by speaking ill of those who have moved on.

Rather, we should seek forgiveness for all of our brothers and Sisters, and we hope that when our time comes, it will not just be members of our 'own group' who shall seek our forgiveness. but rather all Muslims of all backgrounds.

Moving towards the Path of Moderation and having that "Holier than Thou" mindset grounded subtly in oneself, is one of the many deadly sins without one being aware of it.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mahu Mencontohi Nabi s.a.w Melayani Isteri?


1. Mandi bersama isteri

Aisyah berkata bahawa : “Aku sering mandi bersama Nabi Muhammad dari satu bekas air yang disebut al-faraq.” (Bukhari)

2. Mengiringi isteri ketika keluar rumah
dan bantu isteri naik kenderaan

Nabi SAW berkata kepada isterinya Shafiyyah binti Huyay, “Jangan terburu-buru hingga aku mengiringimu (menemani sampai ke pintu)”.(Bukhari)

Di dalam Sahih Bukhari dan Muslim menceritakan bahawa “Nabi Muhammad SAW duduk di sisi unta baginda. Kemudian baginda menekukkan lututnya. Lalu isteri baginda Shafiyyah meletakkan kakinya di atas lutut Nabi Muhammad SAW hingga naik atas unta”.

3. Menyuap makanan

Dalam sahih Bukhari dan Muslim sabda Nabi SAW : “Sesungguhnya apapun yang kamu nafkahkan, maka hal itu adalah sedekah hingga suapan yang kamu suapkan ke mulut isterimu.”

4. Menyandar kepala di pangkuan isteri

Kata Aisyah RA dalam Sahih Bukhari bahawa “Nabi SAW membaca al-Quran (mengulang hafalan) dan kepalanya berada di pangkuanku sedangkan aku dalam keadaan haid”.

5. Menemani isteri ketika sakit

Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah bahawa : Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah orang yang penyayang lagi lembut. Baginda akan menjadi orang yang sangat lembut dan paling banyak menemani ketika isterinya sakit.” (Bukhari dan Muslim)

6. Memanggil isteri dengan panggilan manja

Rasulullah sering memanggil Aisyah dengan sapaan, “Ya ‘Aisy”(wahai kehidupan)(Bukhari)

Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah, bahwa ia berkata, “Rasulullah memanggilku, sedangkan ketika itu orang-orang Habasyah sedang bermain tombak di masjid pada hari ‘Id. Beliau berkata kepadaku, ‘Wahai Humaira’(Wahai wanita yang putih kemerah-merahan), apakah kamu ingin menyaksikan mereka? Aku jawab, ‘Ya’”(An Nasa'i)

7. Bersabar apabila mendapati hal yang tak disukai pada isteri

“Dan bergaullah dengan mereka (para istri) secara patut, kemudian bila kamu tidak menyukai mereka, (maka bersabarlah) karena mungkin kamu tidak menyukai sesuatu, padahal Allah menjadikan padanya kebaikan yang banyak.” (An-Nisa` : 19)

8. Mendidik isteri dekat pada Allah

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Peliharalah diri kamu dan keluarga kamu dari neraka yang bahan-bahan bakarannya: manusia dan batu (berhala); neraka itu dijaga dan dikawal oleh malaikat-malaikat yang keras kasar (layanannya); mereka tidak menderhaka kepada Allah dalam segala yang diperintahkanNya kepada mereka, dan mereka pula tetap melakukan segala yang diperintahkan. (at Tahrim:6)

Sunnah-sunnah Nabi melayani isteri

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Abu Eesa wrote in his Facebook page

"Much of what happens as part of modern day sex
education syllabuses in UK Schools and indeed other
schooling systems around the world, and a continual
raft of new proposals every year, are distressing to say

It might involve homosexual role-play in class,
attempts to "examine the body more" in primary
school, policies of "not stopping secondary school
children viewing pornography but discussing it with
them first instead", etc etc. Yes, really.

That's shocking right? But for me it's not as shocking
as how poor Muslims are in dealing with this subject.
Many honestly believe that we can relive our *own*
childhood where for many of us, our parents just
played the challenge by sticking their heads into the
sand and just hoping that it would all go away.

It won't.

Our refusal to be mature about sexual taboos is going
to cause a catastrophe amongst our youth, and bigger
than the one it is in currently. You cannot avoid this.
Your children *will* get to see and experience these
matters WHATEVER you try and do.

I have made this my own personal crusade for many
years now and as #ProtectThisHouse students will
know, l don't aim to stop any time soon despite many
parents not happy with my approach. See, Muslims
believe that being super religious at home, or making
their kids memorise all and sundry at madrasah, or
sending them to lslamic schools, will somehow
protect them against the prevailing sexual culture that
dominates every aspect of life today. You should be
shaking your head right about now.

I can 100% guarantee to you that if you don't get in to
your children's minds before our modern-day culture
does, you will lose them to that culture. We cannot
blame the kids. We decided to bring them up here, we
have to take responsibility.

How can we blame the kids when we don't have the
courage to look them in the eye and seriously discuss
diff|cult matters which they need to prepare
themselves for? How can we blame the kids when
many parents or soon-to-be parents are so woefully
uneducated about female/male/sexual matters

Remember Tampon-gate here on this page not long
ago when I shared my favourite Pharmacyjoke of all
time? You had there grown men Saying they never
knew what a tampon was until way in to marriage!

One took offence because he felt it was too sexual.
Mate, if you think a woman gets sexual over tampons,
I fear for you, your wife, and your child big-time.

One (yes, your favourite guy with the Arabic-written
name) said that "people with menstrual problems"
would be offended by it. This is what he believes, that
a tampon is some kind of rare emergency solution to
a rare emergency illness. Called menstruation, that big
menstrual problem. Unbelievable.

The key complaint which was entirely valid though
and which should be discussed was that it made
people feel embarrassed, blush, it didn't feel modest
etc. I think this is a fair point, especially if you play
along by keeping all such things taboo as part of your
culture. The quicker we demystify these matters, the
safer our community becomes when it is challenged
outside of their comfort zone. It is completely natural
to feel bashful and shy about these things. But if we
were *all* to be like this, nothing would be said,
nothing would be taught, and we would remain in
ignorance for ever, at risk of being turned in
fascination at the flrst exposure to fltnah. It is not by
accident how we the Muslim laity have somehow
fantastically and fantasy-style sexualised the very
cloth -the niqab - which is theoretically meant to
protect against sexualisation! lt is not by accident that
more and more Muslim countries are reporting huge
numbers of sexual molestation incidents, crass
reports of men desperate in any possible to just speak
to, touch or worse with any kind of woman possible.

Back to female health-care products. I respect that
some want to avoid these matters in public, feel real
uncomfortable saying this to women. But I certainly
don't. I have been teaching women their Deen for
years, and anyone who does that will know most of
the time it is about such "taboo" issues or whatever.
I've been in the healthcare profession for even longer.
This is second nature to me, which in addition to my
own character means I have no problems in this
matter and I will let those who want help/advice to set
the level of sensitivity in our class etc. As for here, I
set that, according to my own standards. And yes for
those who were asking, I would and do talk about
these things to my family, siblings etc. And no, I don't
with my Mum. But not because she's my Mum, but
because she's a Pak. Innit.

But I digress. My plea to you all is to stop over-
sexualising this religion. It is not as "sensitive" as
*you* think it is. Our tradition has sexual activity
allowed at puberty and education about it before that
a *must*, especially in the f|lthy environment we live in
today, online and offline.

We have to have the nerve to speak to our kids and
treat them as more mature than they might seem to
be. The West wants to keep kids as kids for as long as
possible. Muslims cannot afford to do that; we want
our children to enjoy their childhood and then get
ready for adulthood the second they show the
physical signs. And that means being close enough to
them and personal enough with them so that they see
you as their best friend, the one they intimately trust
with *everything*, the one that they will turn to the
second they feel strange about that boy or girl in
school, the one they will turn to when they come
across that porno clip on their friend's iphone, the one
they will come to to explain what they saw happening
behind the proverbial bike shed.

That's only going to happen if you are completely
open with your children, if they feel you're not hiding
anything from them, if they feel super comfortable
with you and completely TRUST you. You have to be
their best friend. Because if you don't, there are
hundreds of other children/adults/ marketing
executives willing to step in at the drop of a hat.

We have to teach our children why it is that people get
involved with these things. These are new challenges,
for a new era, that requires new and brave thinking.
We have to tell them straight up *before* secondary
school what is going to start to happen immediately
and how they need to respond and that they shouldn't
hate themselves for it, but that they need to honour
themselves and others by acting responsibly like
adults and keeping in control, and keeping the right of
Allah in mind at all times. They shouldn't be told that
girls are ugly and boys are all scum, because that will
be proven wrong to them within days, and if not then
then their private parts will conflrm it, and if not then
their bed sheets at home certainly will and yet you
*still* haven't told them what obligates ghusl or not,
but you expect them to pray all the obligatory prayers!
They need to embrace the challenge by being
*empowered* by you, and not trying to escape it.
Because they will become vulnerable. And this culture
*destroys* the vulnerable.

Yes, I spoke to my own children before secondary
school and one of them even at 9 years old. I had to.
They were going to show him sex education videos in
primary school for crying out loud and there's no way
that I was going to allow others to set the agenda for
me. This is not to say that all teachers are the devil
and the curriculum is all evil. No, actually many do a
good sensitive job of the topic and kids learn useful
and responsible lessons in some aspects, but then
some teachers also have their own beliefs of
complete liberty, acceptance of pre-marital sex, the
belief that homosexuality is acceptable etc etc. That
*will* come through. Kids *love* their teachers, and
listen to them more than their parents.

And if you are able to opt out of such lessons, then
YOU had better be able to step up and replace them,
because you can't get your kid to opt out of life. You
have to let go of them sometime. You cannot police
their every second, and neither should you have to.
Either way, opting in or opting out, you need to discuss
with them extensively on these issues, and do so
regularly. You cannot let up even for a second. You
cannot expect your single attempt at "The Birds & The
Bees Talk" to last a lifetime. It is a series of mini
"Talks", on a daily basis if need be, by creating a
relaxed, open environment of trust where your kids
know they can come back to you after their daily
challenges and experiences in the insanity that it is
out there.

It's not going to be easy. It's not going to be easy for
the kids either, heck adults suck at it big time, so what
about them?! We need to be calm, holistic, and try our
best. And make du'a. Plenty of it. Did you see how
many du'as were made by the Prophets for their
children and future generations? lf they need help then
we sure as Heaven do too. No-one said parenting was
going to be easy but the rewards for getting it right are
worth it, believe me. And as for getting it wrong, you'll
never get over it.

Allahumma sallim, sallim."

I wanted to share this prediction because I thought it was inspirational.  There's something inspiring about willingly going towards adversity. 

"O community of Muslims, roll up your sleeves, for the matter is momentous. Prepare for an imminent journey. Garner provision now as the journey is long. Lighten your loads, for before you is an ascent most steep! Only those traveling lightly shall bear its climb.

O humanity, before the Hour comes, you will see wonders, vast tribulations, and difficult times. Darkness will prevail, and foulness will take the forefront. Those who enjoin right will be oppressed, and those who condemn vice will be suppressed.

Hence, strengthen your faith for that time, and cling to faith as you would clench on for dear life. Flee to righteous deeds, and force yourselves to perform them. Be patient during the difficult times, and you will eventually arrive to eternal bliss."

– Translated by Hamza Yusuf

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

"The Arabic word "sabr" (well) means perseverance in
action. It is not passive. When a woman is being
harmed in a marriage wherein she should be
protected, to encourage her to do sabr and allow her
to be abused is antithetical to the spirit of sabr or
patience in Islam. Sabr or preserving in this situation is to be active in removing oneself from the harm. lt does not mean she has to suffer in silence. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that there should be no harm nor reciprocating harm."
- Imam Abdullah Hasan

From Yasir Qadhi Facebook page

"There was a time in my life where I viewed advanced and abstract theological issues as being of primary
importance in the life of a Muslim. At that stage, l would have no qualms categorizing other Muslims as
being 'misguided' simply because they might have
understood a theological point differently than l did.
As I gained more knowledge and experience, l came to
realize that what is truly important in the life of a
Muslim is not the memorization of an abstract creed,
but rather the down-to-earth, raw, genuine love and
fear of Allah in the heart of a Muslim (or, to be more
precise, the Quranic terms of iman and taqwa).

What is important is not what a Muslim is taught by a
mainstream school of theology, or even the sect that
he/she is brought up in. What counts in the eyes of
Allah is how much you truly believe in Him, and how
much you demonstrate that belief in worshipping Him
and obeying His laws, especially with His creation.

There are righteous servants of Allah in ALL mainstream historical lslamic sects, and yes, while it is true that some sects have less 'problems' than others,
again, in the end its not adherence to that sect as much as it is allegiance to Allah and His Messenger that's important.

Initially, theological creeds were meant to defend
Islam and to protect the heart of a Muslim against
ideas that might be detrimental to them. However,
over time, most sects have now taken their man-made
and historically developed creeds as being the
ultimate criterion of dividing fellow Muslims. In the
process, these creeds have then caused arrogance,
division and contempt to grow in the hearts of people,
rather than humility, unity and compassion.

That was never the purpose of Islamic theology. Love Allah, and look upon fellow believers with the eye of compassion and mercy, and wish to benefit and guide all of mankind. This is the message of all the prophets, and the essence of true theology."