Sunday, March 13, 2016

The greatjurist Ibn Mufllh wrote a book about ethics entitled al Adab al Shar'l‘yah, the manners of the Sharla. In the beginning of this work, he writes:

لقيإا بمقان ينقيل غلى هغلك تنننيذآ مل الاذاب القومية والقمع
الققزعيية قخقناع إل قهمل٠نه اق قوله هيب ملة كه غالو اق غابي مكه

"This is a book containing a great amount of the manners of the Sharia and precious benefits. the knowledge of which. or much knowledge from it, is needed by every scholar or worshiper and every Muslim.” [al Adab al Shar’Tyah 1/11]

In other words, the moral values and pnncrples of the Sharia are not merely recommended or simple niceties. Rather, they are required for every practicing Muslim and more so for anyone seeking deep knowledge of Islam and its law.

May Allah guide us to the best character and behavior.

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