Saturday, March 12, 2016

Abu Amina Elias (Justin Parrot) wrote on his Facebook page

"I had an insight today while I was researching. The most Important dlSClpllne In Islam is ethics (akhlaq), not law. Ethics precedes law and gives it meaning and purpose. A pure heart and a refined character Will be gwded to a sound understanding of the law, but a diseased heart and an immature character Will never understand the law or its purpose. What is creed other than to have good character With your Lord? And what is law other than to have good character With your seeiety?

We need to study good character as its own science, the first science in Islam. just as the Salaf studied good character for twenty years before they began to narrate Hadith. It Is as if today I had read the saying of the Prophet % for the first time, "I was sent to perfect good character." Now I can prove it and | Will do it in Writing, if Allah Wills."

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