Thursday, March 10, 2016

Just because it‘s common, doesn't mean it's normal. Divorce is common. Men With wandering eyes is common. Married couples wrth separate bank accounts is common. Disrespectful wives are common. Disobedient children are common. Loveless marriages are common. But they are NOT normal.

A normal marriage is Vibrant, committed, and loyal. A normal marriage protects itself from anything that might attack It. A normal marriage is two people who work everyday at becoming one. A normal marriage understands that marriage is less about being happy, and more about relInqunshIng our selfishness, our desrres, and our individuaIIsm to another.

There's nothing mathematical about marriage. it Will never add up. The very pomt of it is to lose oneself in another. #EveryPostALesson #DaleyWisdom

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