Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Why some people dont want to get married and/or have children

1. Maybe he/she isn't married because they're not ready financially or emotionally, or physically; maybe they're working through past trauma and don't want to burden anyone else until they've sorted themselves out; or maybe they don't see marriage like an acquisition or membership to some elite club that they need to rush to become a part of, but rather something meaningful, and true, and beautiful, and worth WAITING for.

Maybe it has NOTHING to do with their appearance or education or family background, relationship history, desirability, or religiosity, etc. And MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, you need to stop assuming what you know NOTHING about.

2. Maybe he/she doesn't want kids because they're exhausted in life. Maybe they had to help raise their siblings and/or they've spent a great deal of their life taking care of others (parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc) and now they just want to pursue their own dreams and goals; or maybe they have serious health issues that you have no idea about and they don't want to share; or maybe they have fears/concerns about genetic or hereditary disorders being passed on to their offspring; or maybe they've tried to conceive and have suffered so many losses they can no longer cope with the anguish of *trying* to become parents anymore, so they've moved on.

Maybe it has NOTHING to do with their lifestyle or their values or goals or their physical/sexual relationship with their partner, or the quality of their marriage in general, etc. And MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, you need to stop assuming what you know NOTHING about. 

3. Maybe he/she doesn't attend social events or community events regularly because they have private issues that prevent them from being too social; maybe they have family problems and feel guilty having fun while their loved ones are suffering; or maybe they have serious health problems that they keep private; or maybe they are working overtime or after normal business hours just to make end's meet; or maybe they've gone through some physical changes and can't fit into their nice clothes and can't afford to buy anything new; or maybe their dealing with an abusive spouse and are too afraid to leave the children alone at night.

Maybe it has NOTHING to do with them being anti-social, boring, too conservative, snobby, etc. And MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, you need to stop assuming what you know NOTHING about.

4. Maybe he/she didn't answer your calls, text messages, emails, etc., because they're just not doing well; maybe they are suffering silently or privately grappling with their own personal, emotional, spiritual issues and can't offer anyone anything until they feel better; maybe they're tired of explaining themselves, apologizing for not being available or responsive and feeling misunderstood and judged; maybe they need to regroup and center themselves on THEIR OWN time.

Maybe it has NOTHING to do with you, or they're being too "busy" with other things/people, or inconsiderate, rude, etc. And MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, you need to stop assuming what you know NOTHING about.

5. Maybe he/she spends a lot of time on social media and enjoys taking selfies and highlighting their accomplishments because they weren't raised in the most loving home; maybe they felt invisible growing up and the validation they get from a simple "like" or interaction fills a void; or maybe they're far from their loved ones and want to show them that they are happy and not to worry about them; or maybe they're in loveless or abusive relationships and struggle with their self-worth; or maybe they've long suffered from serious self-image and self-worth issues and don't have the means to seek help through professional channels so they rely on social media to feel connected because the alternative (feeling totally isolated) is completely terrifying.

Maybe it has NOTHING to do with vanity or arrogance or pretentiousness, etc. And MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, you need to stop assuming what you know NOTHING about. 

Maybe if we made as many excuses for other people as we do for ourselves we would have much healthier relationships (and spiritual hearts)...MAYBE, JUST MAYBE...


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