Friday, April 15, 2016

"The Channel 4 documentary about British Muslims that recently aired is the latest in a disturbing trend of mainstreaming far-right segregationist politics in the West. The use of a flawed methodology, an unrepresentative sample, and shoddy data interpreted in the worst possible way to demonize an already unpopular minority only echoes the pseudo-scientific racism of the previous century. A plethora of op-eds has been generated that reduces all Muslims with their multivalent beliefs, opinions, perspectives, ethnicities, struggles, and aspirations in all their complexity into a single foreign Other, with the logical conclusion that "they" need to "go back home."

What is at stake here is the idea that people with different religions, philosophies, and backgrounds can live together and cooperate for the common good. This idea is under attack daily from across the spectrum by some of the most sophisticated propaganda techniques available. The eternal truth is that God created people to love each other, to live together, to win-win together. The only alternative is a dark world of tribalism in which the strong devour the weak and everyone ultimately loses. In good conscience we cannot allow these trends to continue unchallenged."

- Justin Parrott aka Abu Emina Elias

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