Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hadiths regarding ethics of war

During [a military expedition], a woman was found killed, so [the Prophet Muhammad] forbade the killing of women and children." Sahih Al-Bukhari

A soldier who went on a military expedition said: "[A woman] began screaming and I repeatedly raised my sword against her. Then I remembered the prohibition of the [Prophet Muhammad against killing women or children] I stopped." Al-Muwatta

A prisoner of war without a shirt was brought to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Prophet looked for a shirt to give him. It was discovered that the shirt of one of the Prophet’s companions would fit the prisoner, so the Prophet let him wear it. The Prophet then took off his own shirt and gave it to his companion [to replace the one given to the prisoner]. Sahih Al-Bukhari

Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, a close companion and successor of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the leader of the Muslim community, told one of his military commanders: "I advise you of ten things [relating to the rules of war.] Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter [animals] except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the materials captured in combat, and do not be cowardly." Al-Muwatta

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