Monday, March 23, 2015

Despite being one of the most influential and celebrated scholars of ‪#‎bengal‬ in the 1300s, Shah Jalal lived in a small cave from which he preached Islam. He was so well known that Ibn Battuta even made a detour in his travels in 1345 just to visit him.

Comments in response to the post

" Shah Jalal lived in Sylhet"

"now it is in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Our national airport at Dhaka is named after him."

" His grave is here in Sylhet

" According to ibn battuta, shah jalal (ra) had a goat as his only possession and he had many companions who were known for their strength and bravery. A true Wali of Allah. Alhamdulillah."

" His the most intimate companion was Shah Paran Rahmatullah Alaiha.He fought against the Hindu pagan king Gouda Gobinda in Sylhet.But he is respected by both hindus and muslims."

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