Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Yasir Qadhi wrote on his Facebook page
' So hurt to hear of the death of Sr. Farkhunda, an Afghan women who spoke out in front of a dargah against visiting shrines and wearing talismans, and was then falsely accused of burning the Quran.

A mob of angry men literally beat her to death, in front of the watchful eyes of the police, even as she begged them to stop, and then burned her corpse. As if this was not enough, many of them made videos and pictures of this barbaric tragedy on their cellphones. Someone forwarded me pictures of this incident that made my stomach churn. 

A sign of how truly civilized a nation is is how it treats its women. May Allah restore the honor and respect that women deserve in our societies! 

PS. I do NOT mean to disparage an entire nation because of this incident, and I know that this one act is not representative of the reality of most people, in that region and elsewhere. My comment on 'treatment of women' is meant for all societies, especially Muslim ones, where we are told and taught that Jannah lies under the feet of one woman in our lives! And as our Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "The best of you in manners are those who are best to their women." '

A comment to the post
'Please excuse me for pointing out a few points: 

She was not mentally ill. She was perfectly fine and a very gifted student and graduate of Islamic studies at Aisha Siddiqa Islamic school in Kabul. She was also completing her memorization of the Qur'an (which was nearly completed). The TV station who interviewed her family suggested that they should say she was insane to avoid further relation upon them. This was stupid. She was perfectly sane and her actions were courageous and noble. What she burned were Ta`widh amulets and the Mullahs at Shah Do Shamshir who issue these Ta`widh are called "Tawiz Nawis" and they prey upon the hopes of the people, mostly widows and indigent women. Farkhunda standing up to them and refuting them threatened their clout and income so they fabricated that she burned the Qur'an. But she was killed for actually defending the integrity of this Deen.

As a small but notable side note: The correct term for the people of Afghanistan is "Afghan". The Afghani is the monetary currency.

Jazakum Allahu Khayran, Shaykh Yasir, for being one of the only Shuyukh to mention and condemn this horrible incident. This is why people rightly look up to you because you always stand on the right side of the issues.'

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