Friday, March 27, 2015

Yasir Qadhi wrote on his Facebook page
'I was interviewed for a story regarding three young teenagers who left Chicago attempting to join ISIS. 

The story is here, and it is a fascinating read:

What really frightens me is how innocently naive and sheltered these young minds are. They do not understand how terrible the situation is on the ground, and how they will be used and abused by people far more sinister than anyone they could imagine. 

A 17 year old girl from a middle-class religious family thinks that somehow she will help the cause of Islam by leaving her elderly parents and migrating to Iraq?! More likely that she will be abused by men who care nothing for her future. I ask you by Allah: who amongst you would want your daughter to leave her house and join strangers in a land far, far away? What type of Islam is this?! 

Yet still, I can, at some level, understand the lure of this call. After all, American oppression and invasion has indeed caused much anger, and many people believe that ANY reaction is better than nothing. But our religion teaches us to temper our anger with wisdom and pragmatism, and to not throw our lives (and our chastity) vainly away. 

I have said many times, and continue to say: Be angry! Be very angry at the Guantanamos and Abu Ghraibs, at the drones and the bombings, at the supporting and deposing of dictators, at the millions of deaths that the West has caused, at all of the dirty politics that this Empire is guilty of. But channel that anger into something that is useful and productive, even if you don't see its results immediately. First and foremost, learn your religion. Study the Quran and hadith, tafsir and seerah, fiqh and aqidah. Secondly, implement it and practice it. Thirdly, get involved in social causes that WILL impact society, whether through activism or journalism or charity work or Islamic academic activities. The effects of this change might not be immediate, but they WILL be more effective in the long run, and, most importantly, they will be permissible and blessed, unlike the wanton violence and killing that other groups are guilty of. 

May Allah protect us and our children from ever defending or legitimizing evil, whether it be false American invasions or pseudo-jihadists killing innocents.'

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