Thursday, December 11, 2014

Teachings of the Quran

Quran is to be used for guidance and to warn people (Quran 6:19).
Quran has been made easy to learn (54:17).
Quran is in the hearts of those who are endowed with knowledge (29:49).
Quran is preserved in a master record (85:21-22).
Quran is an interesting and powerful book (72:1).
Quran cannot be replicated by humans (17:88).
Quran contains a healing for the hearts (17:82).
Quran is without doubt revealed by a higher power (27:6).
Quran gives detail to the divine laws (10:38).
Quran is full of examples cited for mankind (17:89).
Quran is to be used for guidance and to warn people (Quran 6:19).
Islam is peacefully surrendering to God alone (Quran 2:112,131; 4:125; 6:7122:3440:66).
Islam is a system with universal principles, which are in harmony with nature (3:8333:3035:43).
Requires objective evidence in addition to personal experience (3:862:111; 21:2474:30).
Esteems knowledge, education, and learning (35:284:162; 9:122; 22:5427:4029:44, 49)
Rejects intermediaries between God and the people (2:489:31-34)

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