Sunday, December 28, 2014

How Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) made Turkey secular

Atatürk’s attacks on Islam were not limited to the government, however. Everyday life for Turks was also dictated by Atatürk’s secular ideas:

- Traditional Islamic forms of headdress such as turbans and the fez were outlawed in favor of Western-style hats

- The hijaab for women was ridiculed as a “ridiculous object” and banned in public buildings.

- The calendar was officially changed, from the traditional Islamic calendar, based on the hijrah – Prophet Muhammad ﷺ’s flight to Madinah – to the Gregorian calendar, based on the birth of Jesus Christ.

- In 1932, the adhan – the Muslim call to prayer – was outlawed in Arabic. Instead, it was rewritten using Turkish words and forced upon the country’s thousands of mosques.

- Friday was no longer considered part of the weekend. Instead, Turkey was forced to follow European norms of Saturday and Sunday being days off from work.

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