Saturday, December 20, 2014

Comments to the post that could be useful
'Translation is not prohibited as long as it keeps the right meaning. Of course it is not even close as good as reciting it in Arabic, as only Arabic Quran can be recited in prayers for example.
However, translations teach Muslims the meaning of the Quran, no matter what language they speak. As a matter of fact, the Arabic explanations of the Quran like Ibn Katheer's are actually considered translations to simpler Arabic.'

'We were forbidden to say the Quran in other languages to prevent any meaning changes and a group of false Qurans from showing up, which almost happened during Othman bin Affan's time (May god be pleased with him) but he gathered it in one back with the universal Arabic language it originally came in (hence, it is called Othmanic). However, translation to explain the meanings are welcome in fact, to teach the meaning in the Holy Quran. I hope I cleared any misunderstandings, and have a nice day :D ' 

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