Monday, October 31, 2016

Last week I was having a discussion with a dear brother, in which I mentioned an idea of mine. I told him that I think there is such a thing as oppressing one's creativity and imagination. If all good things are from God, then all good ideas (with sincere intentions) are from Him too. If God has given us the ability to access these ideas, and we don't do anything about them - then surely we are oppressing those ideas. It's just a theory, but the principle stands. Often times we prevent ourselves from doing something good (something that will benefit either you, or people around you (bringing you/others closer to God)) and make a hundred excuses. But you have to be brave and daring to see those good ideas through and trust that God will support you. Even if you fail, it is better to try than to give up before even starting.

Say Bismillah and go for it.


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