Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "There shall be righteous people in every generation who will carry this [Sacred] knowledge. They shall protect [the religion] from the distortions of those who seek to go beyond the bounds, and the false claims of those who seek to destroy, and the interpretations of those who are ignorant"  [Reported by al-Bayhaqi and others].

From this hadith, we learn:

1) There shall always be a group of scholars who collectively carry the responsibility of the prophets, and who shall faithfully protect the religion and keep it steered to the Straight Path, with correct knowledge and integrity.

2) There shall be a group of Muslims who wish to distort the religious texts, and claim that they say things that the texts do not actually say. Some might even be sincere, for ultra-literalist fanatics at times cause more damage than rationalistic modernists, but both of them are going beyond the bounds of the Shariah.

3) There shall be a group of Muslims whose intentions are evil, and who effectively wish to discredit the very role of the Quran and the traditions of Islam.

4) There shall be a group of Muslims who are simply uneducated and ignorant, and who shall misinterpret the text, not necessarily out of evil intentions, but because they are not qualified to interpret properly.

We ask Allah to make us from the first category, and seek His refuge from being of any other category!

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