Friday, July 15, 2016

Newt Gingrich, in response to the horrific and dastardly attack in Nice, called for all American Muslims to be interrogated and, if found believing in Shariah, 'deported' (to where exactly, he didn't say).

Well Mr. Gingrich, no need to interrogate me. I believe in the Divine Law known as Shariah. Always have, and pray to Allah that I always will.  It's because I believe in Shariah that I strive to live a just, honest, ethical life. It's because I believe in Shariah that I strive to be respectful of those older than me, and merciful to those younger than me. Its because I believe in Shariah that I don't lie, cheat or take advantage of others, even when no one else is watching. It's because I believe in Shariah that I live a debt-free life, don't invest in harmful companies and don't purchase what I can't afford. It's because I believe in Shariah that I strive to eat healthier food and would pay more for non-GMO products.

And, it's because I believe in Shariah that I view terrorist attacks on innocents (wherever they may occur and however they may occur and from whomever they occur and upon whomever they occur) with such anger and condemnation, for the Shariah teaches me the sanctity of human life and an ethical code of conduct.

Actually Newt, it's because of my Shariah that I strive to be better than you and not demonstrate the type of ignorance, racism, opportunistic demagoguery and outright stupidity that has characterized your rhetoric for the last few years.

May I ask all of you to help me spread this hashtag, in response to Newt Gingrich's bigotry, and follow it up (or precede it by) a sentence that summarizes what Shariah means to you:


PS.  Newt, if you're going to deport all of us, Canada has plenty of space, great health care, friendly people, and an awesome Prime Minister. Just make sure you provide us with plenty of winter gear before you kick us out to protect us from their weather! Just sayin' 😎

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