Saturday, July 23, 2016

Nama-nama yang bagus untuk diberi kepada anak-anak

- Hanafi Ibrahim
- Solahuddin Ayyubi
- Waqqas (learned Christian who predicted Muhammad (pbuh) would be a prophet
- Yasir Qadhi (a name of a scholar)
- Abu Amina Elias (a name of a scholar)
- name them after Muslim inventors (eg Jazari Ismail)

- Nurul Maryam (light of Maryam)
- Nurul Asiyah (light of Asiyah. I don't tecommend naming a child after the Pharaoh's wife)
- Nurul Nisa (tho i dont recommend it, as it sounds like a feminine name. Also Nisa means 'women'. What if the child is not feminine and so doesnt like the name? And her behaviour is not a good example to women?)
- name them after Muslim inventors (eg Fatima Fihri)

Kalau kembar:
- Ilyas Ibrahim & Isa Ilyasa
- Ibrahim & Ismail

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