Monday, May 2, 2016

Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen:

Some people say: "I will marry a woman is not religious, perhaps Allah will guide her at my hands."

And we say: "We are not entrusted with what will happen in the future. As for the future, we do not know about it. It may be that you marry her while desiring that Allah will guide her in your hands, however, it may be that she may change your state to what she is upon!"

Ref: Sharh al-Mumti' Kitab an Nikkah (p.14)

"Probably but if you have a strong emaan that Allah will guide her then thai is good enough because Allah is the most powerful He can make things happen... And Allah is the best planner,he puts people in your life for a reason, maybe that teason was for you to guide her, so we should always think positive and put our trust in Allah, he is the best planner..."

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