Sunday, April 12, 2015

Yasir Qadhi wrote on his Facebook page
"The Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "O you who have believed with your tongues, yet faith has not yet entered your hearts! Do not backbite the believers (one version adds: nor irritate them, nor smear them), nor expose their hidden faults. For the one who exposes the faults of others shall be exposed by Allah Himself, and the one whom Allah exposes shall be exposed (i.e., humiliated) even if [he seeks shelter] in his own house." Reported by Abu Dawud and others. 

This is a stern warning to those people who revel in slandering others and speaking about others. There are those whose claim to fame is merely in talking about other people and 'exposing' them. Yet, we see over and over again how Allah humiliates such people in this world, and still the punishment of the next awaits if they do not repent. 

Be careful, O Muslims, of using your tongue to harm other believers or slander them. And to err on the side of caution, and be silent about other people, is always better and safer. "From the perfection of one's faith is to leave that which does not concern him."

O Allah! I seek refuge in Your Majestic Names and Perfect Attributes from humiliation in this world, and from punishment in the next."

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