Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"I thank God that abandoning politics prevented me from reducing the Qur’an’s diamond-like truths to pieces of glass under the accusation of exploiting them for political ends." - Said Nursi (1877-1960)

Comments from the post

" Yes, that's why RasoolAllah SAW ran a state? That's why Abu bakr, umar, uthman and ali RA, followed him in doing so? And that's why islam was politically superior for 1300 years? What good does taking this statement and sharing it with the Ummah do for it? The best of examples were all politicians so where have you gotten this idea that islam is alien to politics. O thats right most likely from the colonialists feeding you this garbage."

Reply from author in response to the above commebt
"Your comment shows a lack of understanding of who Said Nursi was, his experiences during and after WWI, and the development of modern Turkey. If you are interested in reading some of his works to gain a better idea of what he's saying here, I can point you in the right direction. But if you feel the need to pass judgement on a historical character based on one quote you read on Facebook, then ignore this comment."

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