Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Yasir Qadhi writes on his Facebook page
' Ibn al-Qayyim writes, 

"Of the most unbelievable realities is that you know Allah, yet still do not truly love Him; and that you hear His caller (i.e., the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam), but still do not respond to him; and that you are aware of how profitable it is to deal with Him, yet you choose to deal with other than Him; and that you are cognizant of the power of His anger, yet are still blind to it; and that you taste the pain of being cut off from him as you sin but still do not find comfort in worshipping Him...

But even more unbelievable than all of that is that you know you need Him and cannot do without His help, yet still you turn away, and busy yourself in that which distances you from Him." '

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