Monday, April 13, 2015

Ibn Asakir reported: Iyas ibn Mu’awiya said, “No man does not recognize the defects in his soul except that he is the greatest fool.” It was said, “O Abu Wathila, what is your defect?” Iyas said, “Speaking too much.”

Source: Tareekh Dimashq 7784

عن بن عساكر قَالَ إياس بْن مُعَاوِيَة ما من رجل لا يعرف عيب نفسه إلا وَهُوَ أحمق قيل يا أَبَا وَاثِلَة فما عيبك قَالَ كثرة الكلام

7784 تاريخ دمشق لابن عساكر

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