Thursday, January 1, 2015

Don't be deluded into thinking that you can understand Islam and the deep oceans of knowledges contained within by merely reading the Qur'an or a translation of it. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is proof that we all need teachers. He was qualified by Allah Who sent him, and we need to look for teachers whose qualifications contains a sanad (chain of transmission) all the way to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. This is the only way to ensure the knowledge you receive is protected, upright, beneficial and correct. 

Find out more about the Al-Husna Certificate in Traditional Islamic Studies and register here:

Tag friends and family members who you think would be interested!
Don't be deluded into thinking that you can understand Islam and the deep oceans of knowledges contained within by merely reading the Qur'an or a translation of it. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is proof that we all need teachers. He was qualified by Allah Who sent him, and we need to look for teachers whose qualifications contains a sanad (chain of transmission) all the way to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. This is the only way to ensure the knowledge you receive is protected, upright, beneficial and correct. 

Find out more about the Al-Husna Certificate in Traditional Islamic Studies and register here:

Tag friends and family members who you think would be interested!

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