Monday, January 5, 2015

From a comment on Youtube regarding about Islamic Sharia 

"Most of the Islamic Shariah is personal such as Aqeeda, Ibada, aqhlaq and most of the rulings such as halal and haram.

However its clear from the Quran that the Shariah also has regulations regarding the social, economic and criminal laws.

The teachings and the texts of Islam does not change. But Islam does consider urf (custom), maslaha (betterment for society) and legal preference.

Fard will always remain fard and haram will always remain haram. But things such as muba (optional) can be repelled for the benefit of society.

Muslims can live anywhere in the world as long as the objectives of Islaimc sharia are preserved; protection of life, religion, intellect, property, family, honour, education and security.

And Allah Subhana wa ta’ala knows best."

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