Tuesday, January 13, 2015

hello hi:) I typed this out myself for you all to read coz i think we live in time of confusion as try to understand what is happen in the news,espcially the radicalisation of young people like us,so please read slowly.

On 8/1/15 Channel News Asia aired an interview with Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah in a show called Conversation With.

He is an Ulama and the President of the Forum for Peace in Muslim Societies.He is also the teacher to Shiek Hamza Yusuf.He teaches at King Abdul Aziz University.He was once a minister.

Below is a the full interview typed from this this:


Interviewer:Thank you very much for being in conversation with

Shiek:Thank you *smiles*

Interviewer:For many people who are not Muslim scholars,who are not learned as yourself,could you explain the concept of fatwa?

Shiek:Fatwa is defined as a legal opinion of Islamic law by a qualified specialist.It is a decree of law from an expert.This means he is a learned person who tells people something about Islamic jurisprudence.This is what fatwa means.The terms and conditions of a fatwa can only be defined by the Mufti's expertise.It goes back to the science that are connected to it and understanding of the current world he is in.Many problems surface because someone might be an expert but doesnt know much about Islamic law.Or someone who understands the Islamic sciences but not current affairs.He doesnt know anything about current affairs and ends up giving fatwa based on past events.So it isnt enough for him to just rely on justifications from the Quran,but it is crucial for him to refer to current issues too because events happening now are different from those in the past.

Interviewer:How would we be able to tell that this person is qualified or knowledgeble?

Sheik:This is an important question.This question actually reflects what is happening now.Because nowadays,people seek opinions from anyone.For example,someone speaking on the television,asks a particular person for a legal opinion about the Islamic law of an issue.That person may,not be an expert in the field but he speaks well even though he has no knowledge of Islamic law and current affairs.He gives a fatwa that is different from Islamic law.So how does he know?One is suppose to look for religious scholars or those selected by the jurisprudential council or the government to give advice to the people.So do not take fatwa from just anyone.

Interviewer:Why did you though decide to write a fatwa on Isis,for example?Many religious leaders religious leaders im sure have thought about it but they didnt write one.Why did you decide that you would do this?

Shiek:I decided to write about this because of the lastest major wars in Iraq and Syria,and it is our resposiblity to speak out.Our intention is to give sound advice.There are goverments who punish those who do not conform to the Islamic law.The Islamic law is inclined to benifit the community.Action that kills people,action that destroy buildings and action that divides people these are definately illegal.So,a fatwa actually serves as a guide to those who are concerned in this matter.They should reflect upon themselves to avoid causing more destruction and war.

Interviewer:This whole question of violence as you say and wanting peace,is it correct when people say that you are a moderate muslim?or do u find that insulting?

Shiek:One doesnt like the term.i believe that the reality is that everyone who is sane actually calls for peacemaking.In fact,just anyone who has a sound mind and wisdom,verily he would call for peace.Why?The outcomes are in our hands.There is no need to look to me and say "this is what conforms with the scholars."If you look at the present situation,this war dosent give anything.It just gives death and destruction.It is that simple.Moving foward from this obvious fact,all the suppresses humankind is unlawful.It is unacceptable in Islamic law and it does not make sense.

Interviewer:But sir,those who join things like Isis and Boko haram.Perhaps that is exactly why.They are not rationale,they are not looking for peace,they are not looking to operate within our normal society.They want to change society,they want to revolutionise society.

Shiek:The war destroys the religion and the world.It is not for the benefit of religion.If you were to study or farm,that will be better.And i know that some say that oppression exists and that some people are oppressed.Whether those are in Iraq or in any other places,this does not justify the outbreak of wars.This ignorant reaction is a thoughtless response.They can take a more intellectual path in handling the situation.

Interviewer:What sort of advice would hou give to Muslim parents if they are worried about their children being influenced by the ideas that we see in Isis?

Shiek:My advice for parents is to teach their children,to nurture them well.So that goodness is inherent in them and they will reject violence.Parents should talk to and reason with their children and look for scholars who will advise them according to Islamic law so that the children wont resort to killing themselves for no reason.The dakwah (initiative) that these youth are carrying out isnt right.They are calling for people to kill themselves and others.This isnt right at all.The Islamic law doesnt promote that.It is possible that it stems from thier own free will,and it satisfies thier own desires and others.

Interviews:But alot of these influences are coming from channels that parents cant control anymore like the internet.

Shiek:This is a challenge.And we must face it.And we can stop it.It is necessary for us to look for ways and means to show young people the right path,and guide the youth in the right direction.This is a big problem.It is this era's problem.Because the war that is happening between young people isnt going to end.

Interviewer:If i was a young,asian,muslim person with great passion in my heart to want to do something good,what would you advice?what can i do to express that?

Shiek:The advice is for everyone,for all male or female youth.Firstly,he is to start with himself,to reform himself to become a better person.He has to be religiously inclined.Secondly,he should look for places where he can extend his service,to help people.For example,to become a doctor, or an agricultural engineer who helps farmers.All this is good.According to Islamic law, these jobs hold a high status in extending services to people and granting their wishes.For one who eases his brother's affairs when he is in need,Allah the Almighty will ease his affairs and grant his wishes.This is great.Why dont we see this point?Why do we see the side that promotes killing?Why dont we pay attention to extending our services and helping people?People shouldnt engage in war.The disorder will be chaotic for mankind and everyone will perish.This is very clear.No doubt about it.

Interview:You said that there are certain things that are not for the individual to do,that they should be left to the state or to other organisations,what do u mean when u say that?

Sheik:I said that the issue of war and peace, the issue of jihad, these are the responsibilities of the authorities and not the responsibilities of the people.Muslims now engage in war when they are attacked.The Prophet S.A.W didnt engage in jihad when he was in Mecca.He prayed and remained patient.But in Mecca, it was for the sake of protecting his people.When the people of Quraish went to Madinah to kill the Muslims whe were there,he said "give us permission to kill them because we have been harmed."It is a permission,it is a permission.Jihad began as a permission and not an order.The Prophet S.A.W gave them the permission to defend themselves and this is what scholars say,that it is the duty of the authorities in the country and not the task of individuals.If jihad was the responsibility of the individuals,then it will be chaos.Everyone will pick up a weapon and kill each other.This isnt encouraged by anyone.

Interviewer:What about the concept of the caliphate(Khalifa),should all Muslims be strivi
ng for the achivement of the caliphate?coz thats what Isis claims.

Sheik:The caliphate isnt an issue of beliefs,the caliphate is a worldly order to bring Muslims together.For example,in Al-Andalus,they developed a country.A caliphate is like that,if a country is established,they shouldnt go against each other.When someone tells another,"I will mislead you so that i can become the caliph of this country."This is not right.And i have explained this in the letter that i have sent.The caliphate is an order where there is a goverment.One that govern's people's affairs.If Muslims like those in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation want to coorperate,then that is great!If they agree on humanitarian peace relations and economic exchanges,then is is good.As Allah the Almighty stated,"help one another in rightousness and piety but do not help one another in sin and rancour."The caliphate is not founded on violence, which means, to establish a caliphate, you dont have to resort to kiling people.The most important thing is Islamic law is to preserve life.Do not steal people's properties.This is Islamic law.Islam has 5 fundamental goals and they are the preservation of religion,life,wealth,mind and lineage.

Interviewer:Many of our Asian countries are multi-cultural as well as multi-religious.What would you say(advise) to non-muslims?

Shiek:I advise people to live in peace, to help one another in this world and each and every one of them to mind their own religion.Do not hate other religion,do not hate one another.Everyone takes care of thier own religion.I advise people to be steadfast to their religion.I do not advise people to leave thier religion.If there is a religious scholar who advices one to leave one's religion that's fine,but it not the norm.At the same time,i advise people who are faithful to thier religion to give others freedom to make thier own choices.Because,like what the Quran says,you have no control over others.And in our natural states,we dont like wars.Because wars destroy humanity.The means for killing have grown as the whole world seems like a small village that gives people weapons to kill each other.And this is a new trend,it isnt an old things.My advice for Muslim societies is to form a group of male and female youth to spread dakwah in universities and human congregations to establish a dakwah or mission in bringing people to peace to become optimistic and constructive.This is what we need.Perhaps we can establish centres that can educated young people.We do have our centre that promotes peace here(Abu Dhabi).It is possible for us to help Islam and it is possible for us to help build a strong society,one that is aware of the truth and can help advise others in the name of the religion and keep the nation' interest at heart.Because now this war is pointless and there is no benifit in it.

Interviewer:Sir,have you ever been afraid of saying the things you are saying?Has anyone ever threatened to hurt you or to even kill you?

Shiek:We were born asking Allah to protect us and everyone else.There is no doubt that some might disagree with us.However,we all call for life,and do not call for anything else.And we do not argue with anyone,we call for life,we call for the surge of religion,good manners,and interests.I advise people out of love and not out of hatred and enmity.And we ask Allah for protection, God-willing(InsyaAllah).May Allah Bless you.*Smiles*

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