Saturday, November 29, 2014

20 Sifat-sifat Allah

slideshow of the different sifat:

20 sifat-sifat Allah: 

- Wujud (ada / exists) 
Maksudnya: Allah memang ada
Meaning: Allah exists

- Qidam (Terdahulu / Earliest)
Maksudnya: Allah terdahulu
Meaning: Allah is the Earliest

- Baqo' (Kekal / Eternal) 
Maksudnya: Allah kekal. Selain daripada Allah, semua akan binasa pada masa tertentu
Meaning: Allah is Eternal. Other than Allah, all of them will be destroyed / die in a specific time

- Mukholafatuhu lilhawaadithi (berbeza dgn ciptaanNya)
Maksudnya: Allah berbeza dengan ciptaanNya
Meaning: Allah is different from His creations

- Qiyamuhu binafsihi (berdiri dengan sendiri / Stands by Himself) 
Maksudnya: Allah berdiri dengan sendiri
Meaning: Allah stands by Himself

Penjelasan: Penjelasan tentang Qiyamuhu binafsihi

- Wahdaaniyyah (Esa/ Tunggal / He is Only One)

- Qudroh (Berkuasa / He is Powerful & is Able) 

Penjelasan: Penjelasan tentang Qudroh

Perbezaan antara qudroh manusia & qudroh Allah:

- Irodah (Berkehendak Menentukan)
Maksudnya: Iradat ialah Allah bersifat Maha Berkehendak yakni berkehendak melakukan sesuatu perkara tanpa terikat dengan sesuatu . 


- 'Ilmun

- Hayyun

- Sama'

- Basor 

Compilation of Mr Bie on Tunggu Sekejap & lirik parodinya

Dengarlah lirik kepada lagu ini (bukan lagu original)

Al-Quran: Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 83

Friday, November 28, 2014

Allah is Al-Latif 

Sayyidul Istighfar: The best doa for Allah's forgiveness

Compilation of Ustaz Hakim vs Jin in Dua Dunia
The golden age of Muslim Spain in a nutshell:

In the mid-900s, al-Andalus was gifted an Ancient Greek text about pharmacology from the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII. For a year, a Jewish rabbi, an Orthodox Christian monk, and several Muslims worked on translating it into Arabic in order to advance science and medical therapy.

Such an effort would have been completely inconceivable anywhere else in Europe at the time.

Two American Muslims were not allowed to walk on a street while their non-Muslim was allowed to walk on the street


Isn't your beauty specially for your husband?

A Syrian toddler pulled alive from all the rubble after Aleppo bombing

Two American Muslims were not allowed to walk on a street while their non-Muslim was allowed to walk on the street


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ustaz Hakim vs possessed person

Dua Dunia: Pertarungan di alam ghaib yang diadakan di alam nyata

Dua Dunia - Jin penyebab bunuh diri

Dialog dengan jin mengenai rahsia Dajjal

Sejarah jin dan iblis menurut Al-Qur an & hadith

Sekilas program pendidikan asas Islam di Singapura

Dan juga program a.LIVE di masjid-masjid di Singapura (Kids aLIVE, Tweens aLIVE, Teens aLIVE, Youth aLIVE) 

Conversation with jinns that possessed a man

Read! = Iqra'! 
Taken from surah al-'Alaq 
So this image is like saying 'Whatever good things or bad things that happen, don't forget the Quran'