Wednesday, November 5, 2014

History of the flags of many modern Arabic countries

The flags of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, and the UAE are all based on the Flag of the Arab Revolt, designed by the British in the 1910s.

Meaningful comments on the post on Facebook

"For all those who call out the Arabs for being stooges of the British, don't forget that the failing parasite Ottoman state was defended and propped up by both the British and French before the Arab revolt." 

"The Ottoman state was basically good for nothing at this point. They had been doing nothing but losing wars consistently since 1683 and innovated little apart from engineering (like Sinan); Islamic philosophy was basically dead. The army was backed and trained for years by the French, and later the British, who tried to build the dead Ottoman navy. Additionally, they developed very little in the Arab Middle East in terms of infrastructure, choosing to take resources and develop Anatolia instead. Unfortunately, it took the Arabs until Napoleon's invasion of Egypt to realize how behind the Ottomans were. When the Ottomans tried to force the Arabs to speak Turkish, it was basically over." 

(In reply to another comment in the post) "It's the truth. If you think you know otherwise, please show me. Tell me how many miles of railroad were built by the Ottomans in Arab lands, how many roads, how many dams? The list goes on. Instead, they almost completely deforested Lebanon and Syria and continually sucked away resources from these areas.

Also, the Arabs revolted against the British and French immediately after, so it's not like the Arabs wanted to be best buds with the European powers. Granted they failed, but still..."

"Oh, by the way, for those defending the Ottomans again, you do realize that Sykes-Picot was modelled off of the Ottoman administration units that already existed, right? The vilayet system... The British and French only continued the work of the Ottomans"

- Commentator 1 

" "The new-rich Sheik of Bahrain, Sir Sulman-Bin-Hamad-Bin Isa Al Khalifa, poses with British adviser C. Dalyrymple Belgrave, power behind the throne."


- Commentator 2

"We should not overestimate the "Arab revolt". Because there were only 10.000 rebels in this rebellion. The vast majority of Arabs were still loyal. And by the way things have come as they are. We should look to the future and make the best of our situation and improve our relationship. We are one umma." 

- Commentator 3 

"If Ottoman Empire wasn't betrayed, the Turkish homeland never would have been invaded... Unfortunately they fell for Lawrence who truly made all the Arabs believe they would be better off with the British occupying them...."

- Commentator 4 

"It was narrated from Hudhaifah bin Yaman that the Messenger of Allahﷺ said:

"There will be callers at the gates of Hell; who ever responds to them they throw them into it." I said: "O Messenger of Allah, describe them to us." He said: "They will be from our people,speaking our language." I said: "What do you command me to do, if I live to see that?" He said: "Adhere to the main bodyof the Muslims and their leader. If there is no such body and no leader, then with draw from all their groups, even if you bite on to the trunk of a tree until death finds you in that state."" 

- Commentator 5 

Other commentators to the post (not according to who wrote it) 

"From what I can tell, while the Ottoman Empire certainly had it's shortcomings in the end, but the Caliph had maintained unity of Muslims and refused a great financial bribe from the British to purchase Palestine for the Jews. Something I learned from this site "Lost Islamic History." He not only refused to "sell" Palestine, but told them there was not enough gold on earth to get him to betray the Ummah in that way. And the only thing that it appears that caused the Ottoman's to lose everything in the end, was that they could not come close to the mechanization militarily that the West had built up at the end of the nineteenth century. So they ended up siding with the wrong side of WW-1 (Germany) in trying to save the empire from eventually being toppled by Europe, but in the end lost it all when Germany lost the war. The mechanization of Gog and Magog being armed to the teeth was too much to stop."

"Its also mentioned in history ... western history .... That British geologists knew in 1920s about oil in middle east ...
The commanders on the field were given task to ensure that Turkey gets no oil in new map ...even of Mosul !
Its easily imaginable that with oil Turkey would have been too powerful to be handled by Europe ;)
No matter Khilafah or not ... Our love ... Pakistanis love ... is unconditional for Turks! :) "

"Yes indeed. They knew oil was in Arabia, and helping the Arabs to develop it was part of the deal of betrayal. Europeans had sent prospectors around the globe in Asia and Africa and he Middle East looking for a place to grow rubber (the key to modern armies moving away from horses), and oil, the key to powering those vehicles. The movie "Lion of The Desert" is an excellent example of how the Italians used this new found oil and rubber to be the first to send tanks and motor vehicles into the desert and conquered Libya."

"And everything that we are witnessing today in sorrow was foretold by The Messenger of Allah (PBUH): Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "In the meantime, while the Dajjal will be busy doing this and this, Allah will send down the Messiah son of Mary (Jesus عليه السلام). He (Jesus عليه السلام ) will descend in the eastern part of Damascus, near the white minaret (tower), dressed in the two yellowish garments, with his hands resting on the arms of two angels. When he will bend down his head, water drops will appear trickling down, and when he will raise it, it will appear as though pearl--like drops are rolling down. Any disbeliever whom the air of his breath reaches, and it will reach up to the last limit of his sight, will fall dead. Then, the son of Mary will go in pursuit of the Dajjal, and will overtake him at the gate of Lud , and will kill him." (Sahih Muslim, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah). I believe in another Hadith, the number of Jews that will stand with the Dajjal at the gate of Lud will be 40,000. Look up the population of the town of Lud today. In 2012 the Jewish population of the town of Lud was 40,000. You are witnessing prophecy fulfilled my brothers."

"To all brothers and sisters her; if you're a Turk and hate Arabs or an Arab and hate Turks or whatever you are and hate any other muslim brother or sister for their origin, then you are also a TRAITOR who is serving the british cause just as the FEW thousands of arabs who served it back then."

To put it simply, Muslims will be ready to talk about the betrayal of our Khilafah, but not a single person will be willing to step forward to bring it back.

As long as our hearts are to money, Islam doesn't matter to us. Astagfirullah.

What Allah and his prophet have said is true. 2.08 billion Muslims but couple of guys in suits are walking all over us.

The Caliphate will return, prophet Muhammad said before Mahdi's appearance a Caliphate would exist. Could this mean the Ottoman Empire was that caliphate? The signs are coming true as I see them.


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