Friday, December 21, 2012

Surely what is to come will be better than what was before. (93:4)
How sad it is when a family sits together to watch TV programs showing uncovered women and shamelessness, all in the name of "entertainment", while actually helping each other towards Hell-fire.

The Prophet (saw) warned us against "the zina (adultery) of the eye," according to his saying, "The eyes also commit zina, and their zina is the look" (Al-Bukhari).

16 ways to save your eyes from zina:

Prophet Muhammad (s) said: "The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it (to others)."

Learn Quranic Arabic in only few days inshaAllah!

Download the complete Word-by-Word Translation of Qur'an from here:

To study online, click here:


Also watch: °•.°•. "Hey i LoVe you!" (short movie):

°•.°•. Boys and Girls talking/texting/chatting with each other:

First Thing On Your Mind When You Wake Up???

It is reported that the Prophet (...
S) said: "The one who wakes up in the morning thinking only of worldly matters, and thus neglects his acts of worship, will receive NO HELP FROM ALLAH."

>>> Please do share to others. Spread this around. Hopefully Allah will reward you <<<<

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