Saturday, October 3, 2015

Guys find girls pretty. It's no secret.
They will find you pretty, they will find your friend pretty, they will find their friends girl pretty, they will find their sisters friends pretty, their neighbour pretty. All average guys are like that, They find pretty girls pretty. Period. They will like your selfie + other girls too + day dream about celebrities. They are just wired that way. If Guys are smart, you need to be smarter. Average people are passion/desire centric, extra ordinary people are Allah centric. 
If you want to dress up in a certain way for them, you're at loss. Because, they will always be looking everywhere nomatter how good looking you may be. Looking at you while noticing other girls even if they're "committed" to you. If your self esteem thrives on attention from the opposite gender then be prepared to be an insecure person your entire life. You'll be running from person to person inorder to feel better about yourself. Islam empowers you. If Allah finds you obedient you don't need anyone to call you beautiful. If your worth is with Allah it will reflect in the way you carry yourself. There are many beautiful women in the world. It's a never ending list. So many beautiful faces around, what makes you different ? What should make you stand out ? Your commitment to Allah. 20 years from now for young girls that's all that will matter. Your legacy is not in your beauty but the way you impart Islam to your children & the positive effect you bring into people's lives. 
A thousand guys can find you pretty but if Allah finds you disobedient, your at loss. Men can't really give you anything.

Pleasing human beings is a time consuming & soul consuming task but pleasing Allah is easy & fulfilling. 
Think of pleasing Allah. Have a big goal,Be a woman of Jannah. The average shouldnt excite an extra ordinary girl. It's okay to have slipped but you need to stand up straight, you may have slipped into mud once but dont try to swim there. Ours is a religion of coming back to Allah.

Also, not all men are like that. Men who fear Allah & apply knowledge of the deen aren't like that. They are good men. But that's rare, so be wise. "Good men are for good women"

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