Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Islam cannot be blamed for Osama's actions

Muhaddithdotorg video saying that Islam cannot be blamed for Osama's actions 

Full video of Hamza Yusuf (& another speaker talking in Rethinking Islamic Reform talk) 

Osama should not be given the authority to give fatwas 
& misprint in the fatwa that he used 

58:43 of full video 
'Who made him a sheikh? Really, Who made Sheikh Osama bin Laden a Sheikh? Osama bin Laden is an accountant. Aiman Zawahiri (his companion) is a pediatric surgeon. And these people are giving fatwas from caves in Afghanistan, telling people to kill people. Their fatwa was based on a famous fatwa from Mardhin. The fatwa that killed Anwar Siddat is the same fatwa. 

My sheikh and teacher, Sheikh Abdullah, recently held a conference in Turkey, in the city of Mardhin. He was asked if this is a vote of war or vote of peace. He said it's neither, Its a hybrid. Because it doesnt have the qualities of vote of war, it doesnt have the qualities of vote of peace. 

And then he said something interesting. He said 'therefore, the believer should be treated in accordance with the fact that he is a believer and the disbeliever should be fought because he's left the Shari'a and as he deserves to be.' 

Sheikh Abdullah, when that fatwa is read in Mardhin, he said 'That can't be right.' The 'ulama that were in the audience, some of them, some of the biggest ulamas in the Muslim world, all said 'Sheikh, dont change the fatwa. We can address the problems of the fatwa, but dont change the text of the fatwa.' Sheikh Abdullah insisted, 'No, something is wrong with that text. It doesnt work in the Arabic language like that. 

When he got back to Jedda, he went to another text, and found that it does not say that 'the one who left the Shari'a should be fought.' It actually said that 'he should be treated in accordance with him being a disbeliever. In other words, there are many rules that relate to disbelievers.

Then, he asked for the oldest copy in Damascus, and it came back saying 'in fact, that, he should be treated'  not fought, or killed. That fatwa was published 100 years ago and it has been replicated in countless editions of his fatwas, saying that they should be fought. That is the basis of Abdul Salam Faraj's fatwa to kill Anwar Sidat. That is the basis of Bin Laden's fatwa to kill Americans, and also to overthrow the House of Su'ud in Saudi Arabia. 

It's a misprint. They've based an entire philosophy on a misprint in a text that occurred 100 years ago. This is a crisis in our community, the crisis of authority. Who can read these text, and who can determine what they mean.' 

- Sheikh Hamza Yusuf 

He then said, 'Thank you very much' and then the audience applauded and now is the turn for the other speaker to speak. 

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