Wednesday, September 5, 2018

6 tips on raising Muslim men who respect women
From someone who posted in Muslims for Progressive Values group:

This seems interesting. For me growing up, Islam has been reduced to a list of do’s and don’ts or “halal” and “haram” as opposed to teachings about ethics, values and spirituality.
(This is the link to the original Facebook post, which is below)
The last 300 years of Muslim history has witnessed the gap between law and ethics widen. Over time, the discipline of law has repeatedly lost its connection with the ethical aspect of Islam. The Islamic faith has been reduced to a simplistic code of halal and haram. But could something halal also technically be un-Islamic? It can be and it is. Discover how and why at this unique one day course on Saturday 15th September.

Book now to recieve the earlybird discount:

(There is a short video ad of this one-day course, but there is no link to the video ad so I will not post it. The name of the course is Halal but UnIslamic: Rethinking Islamic Law & Ethics)