Saturday, August 11, 2018

At the height of the Islamic Golden Age – a period from the mid-8th century to the mid-13th century when Islamic civilisation is believed to have reached its intellectual and cultural zenith – homosexuality was openly spoken and written about. Abu Nuwas (756-814), one of the great Arab classical poets during the time of the Abbasid Caliphate, wrote publicly about his homosexual desires and relations. His homoerotic poetry was openly circulated right up until the 20th century.


You'll notice that during the time Abu Nuwas was alive, the hadith had yet to be collected and codified. During this time, people understood the Qur'an directly.

It was only after this that the hadith were collected by Imam Bukhari and co, and started to exert influence on Islamic thought and practice.

As more and more Muslims turned to the hadith for guidance and set aside the Qur'an, this precipitated the end of the Islamic Golden Age.

This reminder/warning was mentioned in the Qur'an 24:55

If the people before hadith were liberal about homosexuality, the only difference is clearly the interpretation of the verses of Lot using hadith.

And Lot, when he said to his people: Do you commit an outrage such as no one among the nations has exceeded you therein,/ For you really approach men with desire instead of women? NAY, BUT (No, instead,) you are a people who transgress the limits. 7:80-81