Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

10 common mistakes of Salah

Great facebook pages to like

Some great facebook pages to like:

My Goal is Jannah
Environmental & Animal's Rights In Islam
islamic knowledge
Quran verse a day
Hadith a day

RP Muslim students (it's a closed group. You need someone you know who is your friend in Facebook and has access to this group. The person will add you and you have to wait approval from admin and hopefully you will be able to see the contents. The posts are very good and meaningful and some can be impactful)

There was a song i heard ever since 11 or probably before that
When you turned on to 94.2 fm  before 6am, probably there will be songs played
Very meaningful and impactful songs
Those that remind you about the present, and some remind you of Allah.
If it wasnt for my mum to turn it up loudly eeeearly in the morning, i wouldnt have been so pious when young, and i probably will not have faith in Allah
Masya Allah, thank Allah for letiing it happen
Thanks to Allah for having me to have such a mum in my family
And if you turning it on after 6, there will be recordings of ceramah until 6.30 
Very meaningful, beneficial, impactful also
And there will be some verses of Qur An recited with the meanings and probably the explanation
Oh ya, two of the songs usually played (during that time when i was 11,12) was the one below ( i took this from a blog, i dont know if this is the true lyrics to the song but there are some words that are the same from what i can remember from the song so i think it could be, but once again, i am not sure)

padang tandus bertukar warna;
rimba merubah rupa;
masa semakin ligat
memutar dunia.
Kita mengejar, dikejar dan terkejar
tugasan-tugasan yang seakan
menghakis-hakis kehidupan.
Kita makin leka
dan tambah alpa
akan nikmat kurnia
pemberian Tuhan yang esa.
Dan ketika
zohor menuju senja
lewat hidayah
melintas dan menjengah
halaman hati.
Adakah kita menyedari
dan semakin memahami
tentang penggembaraan
menuju yang abadi?
Another song will be Ismail Haron - Insan Mulia
Listen to the song and please do look through the lyrics

But there are other songs also
Please do listen to 94.2fm
Listen up from arounc 5.45 am till 6.30am

Some other great songs played:
Rabbani songs (intifada, satu kiblat yang sama [hardly played though], insaf, munajat) <- these songs dont play much, but last time, they are played more
i hope they still play
Insaf -> listen to rabbani insaf high quality, it is more emotional and sensitive
Munajat -> there is music one and i think there is one with him only singing, probably no music and i think more longer
In team - rabiatul adawiyah
Hijaz - sumaiyyah
And something about teman....